Career Centre

To ensure that 22nd Century Schools students realise that they need to develop new skills by seeing their professional interests and needs, to exchange ideas with experts in their field and to plan the future.
To implement the Clubs system to learn and develop the techniques and processes they will use in their future business life.
We aim for our students to develop themselves not only academically but also personally and socially during the exam preparation process, and in this direction, we carry out our studies to help them get to know themselves, discover their talents and reveal their awareness. The exam preparation process is a period in which both academic and emotional balances are constantly fluctuating, with frequent ups and downs. Our primary goal is to increase the motivation of students during this period.
During the process, the student’s belief in himself/herself and that he/she will achieve success may decrease. Bringing our students together with people who have gone through the same processes with them, shared the same emotions and achieved success gives positive results in increasing their motivation. With Career Days, where we bring our students together with our graduates in business life and experts in their professional fields, we enable them to get to know the professions and determine their professional orientations.
We aim to conclude the activities initiated with Career Days, which increase the motivation of students, make them discover their talents, enable them to get to know professions and match them with their own talents, and analyse their professional orientations, with a summit. With this summit, we bring our students together with our graduates who have entered business life; we ensure that they realise that they need to develop new skills in line with the professions they want to choose, exchange ideas with our graduates who have sat in the same rows with them and plan their future.
We bring together 22nd Century Schools alumni and students who keep the culture of 22nd Century Schools alive; we ensure that our students improve their communication skills and self-confidence, and increase their personal development and awareness.
In the 21st century, we are aware of the fact that life success is an important part of individual life as well as academic success. We raise our students as individuals who are aware of and develop their talents and skills and have high life success with the ‘Clubs System’ that we have implemented within the scope of our BEP ‘Skills Education Programme’.
With our Clubs System, we enable our students to research and develop their interests, talents, decision-making skills, time evaluation habits, sports skills, cultural interests, mental activities and leadership skills, as well as establishing positive relationships through group activities.
In the Clubs System, our students;
– They can come together with friends with similar interests and socialise.
– Develop negotiation skills while getting their ideas accepted.
– They develop their leadership skills while ensuring the realisation of an activity and gathering others around them.
– Gain the ability to plan resources and processes in order to put ideas into practice.
– They improve themselves in taking responsibility, follow-up and teamwork in order for the implementation to reach the target.
– Develop problem solving skills in the face of setbacks.
– Gain individual and team learning skills while developing their competences to achieve their goals.
– Learn to co-operate with the right people to perform more comprehensively and effectively.
– They find the opportunity to express their creativity in every way.
– Discover the hobbies and talents that best suit them in art, culture and sports.