Guidance and Psychological Counselling

We believe that guidance services have a vital importance for our students to have a healthy, happy and successful learning life in accordance with their individual characteristics, competences, abilities and capacities.
22.Yüzyıl Schools guidance unit provides services in the fields of preventive guidance services and educational guidance services with its experienced expert staff.
Our school considers school-child-parent communication as a process that should continue uninterruptedly. Based on this idea, current technological applications are used extensively in order to provide multidimensional, fast and accurate information. In addition, the options of meeting face-to-face, communicating by phone, and coming together through regular meetings are kept open if needed.
I Compete with Myself and I Outdo Myself, The awareness and desire to renew and improve oneself is one of the most important 21st century human skills. Our age is an age of extraordinary innovations, inventions and progress. People should compete with themselves, not with others. This understanding starts at school age. The individual who makes competing with himself/herself an understanding adopts continuous research, learning and development. Life is a race; but it is meaningful when everyone competes with himself/herself.
Our school does not consider the high school transition exam as a type of exam that can be overcome only by strengthening the academic background of the student. In order to reach the target and achieve a high level of success in the exam, in addition to academic knowledge, the student needs to be strengthened in terms of exam performance and management of the emotional intensity he/she is in. This dimension is of vital importance. At the eighth grade level, the coincidence of the adolescent crisis and the high school transition exam, which will determine the academic future, is a very difficult task for the student to cope with. In this respect, strengthening the student emotionally in order to overcome this difficult process with the least amount of wear and tear is very important not only for exam success, but also for his/her educational, human and life future.
With the 8th grade coaching (mentoring) system, we ensure that our students’ academic and psychological follow-ups are carried out one-to-one.