Guidance and Psychological Counselling

The mission of the preschool guidance service is to provide the necessary psychological support to prepare our students for primary education and life in the best physical, social, psychological and cognitive way.
In our preschool department, guidance and psychological counselling services are provided in two stages: guidance for the student and guidance for the family. In student-oriented guidance, studies are carried out for the adaptation processes of the student at school, school adaptation processes, adaptation and behavioural problems at school or out of school, interests and abilities of the child, school preparation studies, character education and versatile intelligence education.
Guidance for the family, on the other hand, provides information about the student through frequent one-to-one meetings with the parents and provides counselling services for the family’s problems related to the child or problems that are thought to affect the child.
– Development is the product of the interaction between heredity and environment.
– There is a sequence in development.
– Development is lifelong and continuous.
– There are individual differences in development. Each individual may experience these processes in different periods.
– Development is from head to toe. The child first learns to hold his/her head, then to sit, then to walk.
– Development is from the inside out. The child first reaches for the object, grasps it with his/her hands, then learns to use his/her fingers.
– Development is from general to special. The child first gains large muscles and then small muscle control.
– Development is a whole with all areas.
– The rate of development is different at each age.
Developmental characteristics of 6 year old children;
– They are still in the concrete thinking period.
– They show the behaviours expected from them in society.
– They have self-confidence and can take responsibility.
– They plan and play building-construction games.
– They participate in co-operative games.
– They attach importance to the appreciation of their behaviour by adults.
– They think with their emotions.
– They can make some judgements as a result of observations and experiments.
– The most important emotional need is to be loved, admired and valued.
– Their emotional states change very quickly.
– Since the child’s small muscles are developed in this period, their manual skills are quite developed compared to other ages.
– They constantly want to try new things, they find new games and apply them.
– They have reached an age where they can make real educational applications with themselves.
– They make judgements under the influence of emotions and excitement. They cannot think about events objectively.
– They cannot organise time and plan for the future.
– Since they are in the preparation stage for primary education, they are interested in activities related to preparation for reading and writing, mathematical operations, numbers and concepts.
Developmental characteristics of 5 year old children;
– They can act independently in self-control and self-care skills.
– They can express their self-confidence skills in various ways.
– They like to be in competition with their peers.
– Peer learning and modelling are among their prominent characteristics.
– They can follow the rules and are aware of the consequences of following the rules.
– They are in the concrete thinking period.
– Their logic and reasoning skills have reached a good level.
– The games they play are longer, more detailed and with rules.
– Their sense of humour and humour begins to develop.
– They experience a period when they are emotionally sensitive, but they have no trouble accepting the situation when logical explanations are made.
Developmental characteristics of a 4 year old child;
– Physical activity and skills are at the forefront.
– They are quite energetic.
– Boys and girls prefer to play with their same sex more.
– Gender perception becomes clearer.
– It is a period when imaginary friendships, some anxieties and fears can be seen.
– Their receptive language and expressive skills are at a very good level with their rapidly advancing vocabulary.
– Problem solving skills, using initiative, seeing their own limits, questioning and asking questions are at the forefront.
– The selection and use of toys, materials and materials have an important role in terms of their social emotional development.
Developmental characteristics of 3 year old children;
– They are in an egocentric period.
– Their language development is quite fast.
– They say most words clearly.
– Knows their name, age and gender.
– He is curious about his body.
– They take steps to establish social communication and friendship.
– They use their imagination actively.
– They start to wonder about abstract concepts and words.
– What is it? Why? Why? When? They often ask questions such as where?
– They acquire toilet training.
– It is an age period in which self-care skills are realised more independently by the child.
– Plays with other children, but may not be able to share.
– Can join a kindergarten group.